[Lswtalk] Laptops

Howard Coy hcoy at state.lib.la.us
Mon Aug 1 09:12:38 CDT 2011

This morning we began checking out laptops....we opened at 9 and there were 2 people waiting at the door to check them out!
Any of you have any ideas for keeping up with due dates, i.e. we have barcoded and added marc records, now trying to figure the easy way to keep up with any that are overdue.
Finally got e-rate funding after answering the same question over and over, and little had changed from last year. 

Howard L. Coy Jr., Director
Vernon Parish Library
1401 Nolan Trace @ Abe Allen Drive
Leesville, LA 71446
1-800-737-2231 FAX 337-238-0666 hcoy at state.lib.la.us
BLOG: http://vernonlibrary.blogspot.com
PHOTOS: www.flickr.com/photos/vernonparish/

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-- Gerald R. Ford 8/12/74
"Lost yesterday,somewhere between sunrise and sunset, 60 golden minutes, each set with 60 diamond seconds. No reward is offered, because they are lost forever." -- Horace Mann
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