[Lswtalk] AV training materials

Erin Chesnutt echesnut at beau.org
Fri Jan 13 11:20:04 CST 2012

Hi, all!

Remember our conversation of a few months ago re: A/V training materials?

I just found a DVD in our Professional Collection called CONDUCTING THE 
Video Network; copyright is 2004 and it runs 30 min.  From the cover: 
"[The dvd] illustrates the stages of a reference interview and reviews 
the steps necessary for a successful answer.  All the stages are 
demonstrated in walk-in, phone and online scenarios. In addition, tips 
are shown on handling difficult or unusual situations in the reference 
interview. All of the reference interviews in this program were taken 
from real occurrences."

I just watched it and it seems pretty basic, but sometimes basic is all 
you need.  It's a good foundation piece.  This dvd has Public 
Performance Cat 2 (can be shown in non-prof setting w/o admission charge).

As part of our PC collection, we do not check this out to patrons but I 
would be happy to lend it to another LSW library for staff training, 
assuming our own staff isn't using it at the time.  If you are 
interested, let me know and I'll either try to send it to you in an 
orange bag or bring it to the next LSW meeting.

Thank you,

Erin N Chesnutt, MLIS
Beauregard Parish Library

2010-2011 Parliamentarian
By-law Committee Chair
Public Section, LLA

echesnut at beau.org

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