[Lswtalk] Marc records

Howard L. Coy Jr. howardlcoy at gmail.com
Wed May 14 21:15:32 CDT 2014

Loretta today mentioned today that Calcasieu was looking at a service with
new audio-books. As I was driving home and thinking about it, it occurred
to me that as we acquire more and more services, a patron will have to look
in several places to find a particular title. If the record is in our
catalog database, they only have to look in one place. For example, we have
Consumer Reports in paper, and electronic format through Zinio. Searching
the catalog will give one both sources. If a patron wanted to know if we
had PC magazine, and we did not download Zinio MARC records, they would
think it was unavailable, since we do not have it in paper any longer. With
the MARC record in our database, they will know that it was available. For
us, this is one important reason for our online catalog to have as many
records as possible. Many patrons searching from home, will probably not
think to search three or four links. Just a thought.

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