[Lswtalk] Minutes from last week.....

Jessica Hutchings jhutchings at mcneese.edu
Tue Mar 21 18:12:32 CDT 2017

Hey Gang, 

Nice to see all of you in Grand Lake last week! I attached my sparse minutes since Mary Frances was unable to attend, so forgive me for not being as thorough as she is. Also, I do not remember the name of the woman who came from Allen with Agnes...can someone help me out? I'm embarrassed because that's the second time I've met her, I'm pretty sure. 

Items for our agenda-but-not-an-agenda for next time include: 

- LSW Scholarship 
- Author Dinner 
- Overdrive and marketing (I had a note from 2 meetings ago...not sure if we still need to chat about it) 
- Carlberg Award...are we all cool with Rebecca? 

Happy Spring, everyone! 


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