[Lswtalk] Happy Tuesday......

Jessica Hutchings jhutchings at mcneese.edu
Tue Oct 3 13:45:59 CDT 2017

Hi everyone, 

I'm looking forward to the annual sojourn to Evangeline! I want to make sure that I have my ducks in a row, and I have the following items listed in my notebook: 

* 2018 Calendar of Meetings 
* Author Dinner remarks...order of program...here is what I envision: 
1 - Greetings and Introductions 
2 - Introduce Oakdale librarian and Sgt Broussard 
3 - Scholarship winner 
4 - Acknowledge Howard McDonald 
5 - Carlberg Award 
6 - Blessing 
7 - Introduce author 

Anything else? 

Margie and I had lunch today to catch up on LSW business. We hope that everyone remembers to register for the author dinner! I actually had not yet registered myself - or paid - so if you're in the same boat, please send along your registration! Also encourage any colleagues and friends to join us. 

Hope everyone is having a good week! 

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