[Lswtalk] I remembered what I forgot ...

Loretta Gharst LGharst at calcasieulibrary.org
Tue Jun 18 08:38:14 CDT 2019

Hi Erin,
Thanks for all the great information. I am very sorry I keep missing LSW meetings. It’s mainly due to my cancer treatments – they really wear me out.
My LSW task assigned earlier this year (I think) was to investigate getting o365 for LSW so LSW documents could be all in one place, accessible by all library members, and provide secure email service that doesn’t get indexed by public internet services.
If LSW was a government recognized non-profit it would really help with getting low-cost ($3/month per user)/no cost subscription.  Otherwise LSW would need to pay an annual subscription fee ($5 a month per user).  I believe there are funds available in LSW bank account and the benefit would be worth the annual expense.

Miss seeing all of you and hope you are doing well,


Loretta Gharst
Associate Librarian
Collection & Computing Services
Calcasieu Parish Public Library

From: lswtalk-bounces at beau.org <lswtalk-bounces at beau.org> On Behalf Of Erin Chesnutt
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 5:55 PM
To: lswtalk at beau.org
Cc: Laura-Ellen Ayres <lea at rpl.org>
Subject: [Lswtalk] I remembered what I forgot ...

Hi, all.

Remember Wednesday morning when I said I felt unprepared for this month's LSW meeting and was forgetting something? I remembered it, and it's a doozey.

In April, the Articles of Incorporation were amended and the Board makeup changed from 3 public & 3 school/academic representatives to 4 public and 2 academic/school to more fairly represent the makeup of the group.  Given that Beth just came on the Board and Debbie is our Secretary, that has our 2 school & academic reps covered but we did not assign a 4th public rep (Margie, Clare, and I are all officers so we need to be on the board).

At the May meeting, Dede said she'd be willing to hold the 4th seat but, given how few were in attendance, we wanted to discuss it with the larger group to see if anyone else wanted to fill the seat, too.  As you know, we did not have that conversation at this month's meeting. Sorry!

What we DID do at this meeting was propose some changes to the by-laws for the Board to vote on.

So here's my plan of attack:

1) THE BOARD.  Our Articles say that any unexpired, vacant term for a board member shall be filled by vote of the remaining Board members.  According to the existing by-laws, Board meetings are called with a minimum of 5 days notice, where the call includes the agenda. A quorum is 4 Board members.

We know Dede is willing to serve. If anyone else wants to serve or to nominate another member, please let me know by June 28 so I can confirm willingness to serve and include all nominees for the seat with the call for the Board meeting, which will happen at the same time / location as our July LSW meeting.

2) By-LAWS . According to the my research since last Wednesday, the bylaws are not considered part of our charter documents, so the Board can approve changing them (if it were the Articles of Incorporation, the whole membership would vote). Again, this will be included in the call for our July meeting; I'll put it on the agenda after the appointment of the new board member so that a full board has the opportunity to vote.   For those who are interested, the proposed changes to the by-laws (including those discussed at last week's meeting) are attached.

We'll try to get the official "Board meeting" out of the way at 10:10 AM so we can get these things settled and move on to a business-as-usual style monthly meeting.

Erin N. Chesnutt, MLIS
Beauregard Parish Library
Knowledge. Growth. Imagination.
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