[WBEL-devel] Long- Thoughts on WB maintenance (was Re: How to get the RHEL Errata?)

Charles Lacour clacour@clacour.com
Thu, 27 Nov 2003 22:27:38 -0600

On Thursday 27 November 2003 04:51, RftD wrote:
> Requirements would actually be two files, one diff that updates
> SPEC/package.spec and creates SOURCES/package-wbel.patch and one tgz file
> that contains the image replacements needed.  The problem would be that
> redhat probably wouldn't conveniently place all their trademarked images
> into a single external source file (which we could simply replace) but
> would more likely place them in all the source files.  I've not examined
> this issue closely, but judging from the difficulty mentioned on the page
> so far, I'd say that redhat didn't take the convenient road.  If anyone
> thinks they can convince redhat to separate their trademarked images (and
> other binaries if there are any) into something like
> Source99: package-version-redhat-tm.tar.bz2
> be my guest. :)

Actually, as best I can tell, Red Hat DID do this. It's actually two packages: 
"anaconda-images" and "redhat-logos", but my reading of their EULA says that 
if you replace the trademarked images in those packages with images that do 
not even remotely suggest Red Hat, you're covered.

That's not every Red Hat-related image in the system (there is a picture of a 
Red Hat I'm looking at in the "Start" button position under KDE at the 
moment), but I don't believe that's a trademarked image.  The two big things 
they have trademarked are the Shadow Man image, and the actual words "Red 
Hat". (They mention that things like the RPM logo are unregistered 
trademarks, but when they're describing the rules for putting out modified 
versions of their stuff, it very clearly states that you must replace any 
images with those two trademarked items. (See 
http://www.redhat.com/about/corporate/trademark/guidelines/page8.html for 
what I'm referring to.)