[WBEL-devel] Re: How to get the RHEL Errata?

Paul Iadonisi pri.wbel@iadonisi.to
Sat, 29 Nov 2003 21:23:55 -0500

On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 11:36, donavan nelson wrote:


> The bigger issue might be the continued pollution of SRPMs with RH patches
> that introduce restricted distribution (logos, RedHat Enterprise Linux
> appearing on the screen, et. el.).

  I'm going to take an educated guess that this isn't likely to happen. 
If Red Hat did that, it would be in a position where the EULA file in
the original ISOs was inaccurate...simply removing trademarks from
anaconda-images and redhat-logos would no longer be sufficient.  Well,
maybe not, since the errata won't be part of the original ISOs, but the
simple fact that Red Hat made the effort to confine trademarked items
two packages speaks to its intentions.
  John has taken the super cautious approach of removing even
non-trademarked images, which is understandable.  But I sincerely doubt
it'll become a legal issue if anything is missed outside of the
anaconda-images and redhat-logos packages.  That would, after all, be in
accordance with the trademark guidelines outlined by Red Hat *itself*
both in it's EULA and on its website.
-Paul Iadonisi
 Senior System Administrator
 Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
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