[WBEL-devel] WhiteBox Version - was Re: Notice: Mirror of mirror.physics.ncsu.edu

bishop bishop@platypus.bc.ca
Thu, 09 Dec 2004 20:05:31 -0800


What version is whitebox?  I was sure 3.0 or 3.0r1 or R1, but I noticed 
this disagreement:

root wrote:
> Mirrored mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/SRPMS (mirror.physics.ncsu.edu:/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/SRPMS -> /var/ftp/pub/mirrors/whitebox/3.0/SRPMS.updates) Mirror of mirror.physics.ncsu.edu @ 10 Dec 104 03:02
> Got httpd-2.0.46-44.ent.WB1.src.rpm 6173933 48

Explain to me the significance of the '1'?  I assumed that the 1 was 
supposed to be a 3, unless the 3 is silent.   Back in the day when we 
were doing the distro, we tried to use the distro number as well for 
extra differentiation, thus my assumption the 1's erroneous.

  - bish
