[WBEL-devel] SAMPLE: [WBSA-# 2003:404-01] Updated lftp packages fix security vulnerability

William Hooper whooperhsd2@earthlink.net
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 10:10:17 -0500 (EST)

Joe Brouhard said:
>> Jimmy Kaplowitz said:
>>> You might want to add a section to the advisory template with
>>> WBEL-specific instructions for getting your updates rather than the Red
>>> Hat ones which are unavailable to most WBEL users.
>> ??  As configured up2date will get Whitebox updates just fine.
>> Providing a path where you can find them on a mirror might help if
>> someone
>> doesn't want to use up2date for some reason (kind of like Fedora's
>> notices).  An example:
>> http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/2004-February/msg00009.html
> I agree... either that, or provide absolute links to the .src.rpms ??
> I have quite a few custom RPMs on my primary mailserver (postfix for one)
> and if I run yum update, it'll likely over-ride my configuration (or
> rather, how postfix was built).

Getting OT, but you can set yum (but not up2date) to exclude certain
packages from a repo so that anything you build locally wouldn't get
upgraded automatically.

William Hooper