[WBEL-devel] This is a international mailing list

aiic aiic@163.com
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 09:40:59 +0800 (CST)


  Whitebox Linux is international, and this is an international mailing list, it is for users of all nations, at least I think it is. So when you are posting a message to this list, please do your best to use standard English language, not American English slangs, vulgarism, or spoken English.....things like that, this will reduce many reading difficulties for non-English-mother-tongued people. When I post messages to some asian-wide lists, I always use Mandarin; when I post messages to lists like this, I always try my best to use standard English(though my English is not very good); so people will easily understand me.

  Thank you.

  X.H. Beijing
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