[WBEL-devel] Mirrors are still out of sync

Roger Peña Escobio roger@infomed.sld.cu
Thu, 3 Jun 2004 09:15:42 -0400

Mensaje citado por Milan Ker¹láger <milan.kerslager@pslib.cz>:

> Hi,
> I have seen updates on http://whiteboxlinux.org/pub/3.0/en/updates/
> before this directory gets closed (Jun 1 2004):

does any body know how to download from the original site?

> rpm 4.2.2-0.14.WB1.i386
> elfutils-libelf 0.94-1.i386
> rpm-python 4.2.2-0.14.WB1.i386
> elfutils 0.94-1.i386
> nfs-utils 1.0.6-21EL.i386
> popt 1.8.2-0.14.WB1.i386
> sendmail 8.12.11-3.3.i386
> sendmail-cf 8.12.11-3.3.i386

i just check the ncsu mirror and those rpm aren't there :-(
any body know if there is any mirror with the updates?

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