[WBEL-users] RPM Gui?

William Hooper whooperhsd2@earthlink.net
Thu, 8 Apr 2004 14:01:38 -0400 (EDT)

Eric B. said:
> Sorry - I must be the one that isn't being clear here.  Perhaps the mysql
> example isnt' the best one to use since there are actually no
> dependencies,
> but let's assume for a moment that they depend on some libc rpm pkg.

Well, it has depenancies, just not on the distro provided RPMs :-)

> I know that the mysql rpm pkg isn't in the DAG repository, so I've gone to
> the MySQL site and manually d/l'ed the rpm from there.  However now that I
> have it on my system, I can only install it using rpm.  If I try to
> install
> it using rpm -i, and there is a missing dependency, it will fail.  At this
> point, I need to go find the missing dependency and install it manually
> and
> then go back and install the MySQL rpm.

Much clearer, thank you.

> Although the above steps work fine, they can be a pain in the butt
> sometimes.  What I am wondering is if I can use yum to install the
> manually
> d/l'ed local version of mysql rpm and have yum search its repository for
> missing dependencies.
>>From my understanding of yum, if/when i use yum install, it will only
> install the pkg from the repository - ie: d/l the requested pkg and its
> dependencies from the repo.  Not use the local rpm file that I manually
> d/l'ed earlier.
> Am I making sense here, or am I asking for something too extreme?

OK, now we are on the same track.  Your understanding (it will only
install from the repo) matches my understanding.  Now, as I see it, you
have two choices:

Use YUM to help short-circuit the "find the missing depencancy" by using:
$ yum provides /missing/lib/name

Or, as someone else mentioned, make your local download directory into a
yum repo:
$ cd /my/repo/dir
$ yum-arch .
$ yum install new-package-name

This assumes you have already listed your local repo in your yum.conf. 
Generating the yum headers doesn't really take too long to do.  If you
have multiple machines you can also make your repo http and/or ftp
accessable to share.  Also note that in the second example "yum install"
can be replaced by "up2date", if you wish.

The only case where either of these fall down is the situation I thought
you were presenting at first:  your downloaded package has deps that are
not available locally or in any of your repos.  In that case you would be
on your own to find the deps.

William Hooper