[WBEL-users] Kernel 2.6

Bill Davidsen davidsen@tmr.com
Fri, 09 Apr 2004 09:29:32 -0400

Simone wrote:
> Hi, anyone tryied compiling kernel 2.6 from source?
> I just ended in a kernel panic, no init found, still to examine the 
> cause. Just wanted to know if anyone succeded and if there are real 
> advantages in doing it (I am just playing on a test machine). Red on the 
> red hat site, that the kernel 2.4.21-9.0.1.EL has already most of the 
> new features of 2.6, am I wrong?

The balance on WBEL is 'stable' rather than cutting edge. There are some 
of the features of 2.6 in the EL kernel, but not all. I have been 
running built kernels since about 2.5.38, and I'm writing on 2.6.5 now, 
about to build the latest -aa version.

I suggest you subscribe to lkml or read it on google, and pull your 
kernel source from ftp.us.kernel.org rather than redhat, just because I 
know those kernels work. There is someone at redhat doing a 2.6 kernel, 
I don't know if it's standard or has extra features.

    -bill davidsen (davidsen@tmr.com)
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
  last possible moment - but no longer"  -me