[WBEL-users] Re: RPM Gui?

William Hooper whooperhsd2@earthlink.net
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 16:41:47 -0400 (EDT)

John Morris said:
> Ok, this thread needs nuking anyway so why not liven things up while we
> wait for update2 to settle out?
> [mode=flame]

There are days I just feel like being a PITA... Today just seems to be one
of those :-)  And the lucky readers of WBEL get to be the recipients of

> I have always failed to understand this obsession with building everything
> from source.

Hear, hear!

Not trying to start a BSD vs. Linux flame war, different strokes for
different folks.  With that said, I tried one of the BSDs once.  I
couldn't figure out why someone would want to wait until the system
rebuilds itself to get a security update.  And some of the updates want
you to go to single user mode?  Talk about DDoS...

> Usually the same people who whinge about how great
> Mandrake/etc. is for shipping i586 packages instead of i386, not
> understanding how things really work.

Mandrake still does i586?  Do they realize that i586 optimized ordering is
actually slower than i386 ordering on i686 processors?  I'm not sure, but
I image this is the case for Pentium 4 and above, also.

> (See the WBEL FAQ).  Yes, some
> packages benefit from optimizing for the local CPU.  Yes you can eliminate
> some bogus dependencies on things you don't really need.  But in 90% of
> the packages you are at best twiddling up a percent or two or saving a few
> megs of drive.  With the prices of hardware these days, invest the $50 in
> buying the extra horsepower.

Taking 12 hours to build Gnome to save 1 second a day doesn't add up to me.

William Hooper