[WBEL-users] perl-Digest-MD5

Romeo Ninov rninov@mailbg.com
Sun, 04 Apr 2004 09:39:28 +0300

William Hooper wrote:
> rninov@mailbg.com said:
>>right, but sometime linux admin need to get work on hands and do someting
> Breaking the packaging system is more than "irregular".
rights, I understand packaging system is to help sysadmins, but for 
example sysadmin sometime can't find software package in desired package 
format. what will do? Don't use package or install it by hand? I am not 
sure packaging system is so important (for me). this is just a 
instrument to help. :-)
>>With my respect to You, do You think UNIX sysadmins only edit
>>few  text files or use point-and-click paradigm?
> I'm pretty sure I don't understand how this relates to Perl modules.

IMHO only little part of perl modules is available as rpm packages. And 
what will do sysadmin to install non rpm module. I think my way is more 