[WBEL-users] More yum mirrors?

Ed ekg@tricity.wsu.edu
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 18:46:12 -0700

John Morris wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Lamar Owen wrote:
>>Once you have tested the mirror mechanism, getting the new configset into 
>>place is as simple as dropping the (noreplace) from the %config directive in 
>>the spec file's %files list.  Then on the next release you put it back in.
> Owwww, that would be a really evil thing to do to the folks who have
> pointed it to internal mirrors or added in a bunch of third party yum/apt
> repos.
> Might have to do it though, guess the peeps who do that sort of thing 
> would likely be the ones who actually read announcements and such and 
> would be ready for it if I give a long enough head's up.

If it is *never* OK to point directly to beau.org for yum updates, we 
could put a script in the %postinstall of the new yum package which 
would comment out lines of the yum sources file or replace them with 
another mirror.

That might be a bit of a hack though. :-)
