[WBEL-users] Eadem Enterprise is awesome!

Johnny Hughes mailing-lists@hughesjr.com
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 05:20:28 -0500

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Whitebox (and CentOS, TaoLinux, etc.) are RedHat Enterprise Linux based
(compiled from SRPMS) distros.  They are all trying to be as close to
RHEL as possible.  That is so they can do the same things and run the
same applications as RHEL.

If someone wants to create a distro that deviates from that, fine.  But,
in my opinion, it loses the real reason to build from RHEL source.

If I wanted a minimal install, I would just pick only the packages I
want to run from the Install CD.  If I wanted to install blackbox (or
fluxbox, etc.), I would just do that.

But, in my opinion, providing all the functionality of RHEL in a distro
that is easy to update, maintain, and is more cost effective is what is

But what do I know?
On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 04:43, Klaus Zahradnik wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 04:32:22AM -0400, alex66@colba.net wrote:
> > > On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 09:39:17PM -0600, Will Senn wrote:
> [...snip...] 
> > is free. The day will come when linux will have a more professinal
> > desktop, but the time is not now, so take the best from Linux.
> > 
> Quote from my other eMail to this thread:
> <quote> Which brings me to the topic of the
> gui: I do not install any gui on my servers. I do everything on the
> shell.</quote>
> btw, I totally agree with you! :)
> regards
> Klaus

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Whitebox (and CentOS, TaoLinux, etc.) are RedHat Enterprise Linux based (compiled from SRPMS) distros.&nbsp; They are all trying to be as close to RHEL as possible.&nbsp; That is so they can do the same things and run the same applications as RHEL.<BR>
If someone wants to create a distro that deviates from that, fine.&nbsp; But, in my opinion, it loses the real reason to build from RHEL source.<BR>
If I wanted a minimal install, I would just pick only the packages I want to run from the Install CD.&nbsp; If I wanted to install blackbox (or fluxbox, etc.), I would just do that.<BR>
But, in my opinion, providing all the functionality of RHEL in a distro that is easy to update, maintain, and is more cost effective is what is important.<BR>
But what do I know?<BR>
On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 04:43, Klaus Zahradnik wrote:
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 04:32:22AM -0400, alex66@colba.net wrote:
&gt; &gt; On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 09:39:17PM -0600, Will Senn wrote:

&gt; is free. The day will come when linux will have a more professinal
&gt; desktop, but the time is not now, so take the best from Linux.
Quote from my other eMail to this thread:
&lt;quote&gt; Which brings me to the topic of the
gui: I do not install any gui on my servers. I do everything on the

btw, I totally agree with you! :)

