[WBEL-users] More yum mirrors?

Bill Davidsen davidsen@tmr.com
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 11:20:04 -0400

Alex Tkachenko wrote:
> Just thinking at loud...
> It would be nice to employ a P2P features to address the problems.
> Say, the client contacts the official server to get the file name and
> file checksums as well as the addresses of other peers which have the
> file in question available. Then use technology similar to edonkey to
> get the file (possibly from several different sources).
> I understand that this is completely new piece of software to write, but
> maybe there is somebody out there with enough time and inspiration...

It's called bittorrent.

    -bill davidsen (davidsen@tmr.com)
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
  last possible moment - but no longer"  -me