[WBEL-users] repo-janitor configuration file

Edward Rudd eddie@omegaware.com
Thu, 01 Jul 2004 00:41:27 -0500

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I'm offering this xml configuration file for repo-janitor for anyone who
wants to setup (easily) an apt/yum mirror of Whitebox Linux.

repo-janitor can be found here.
You will need to download the python-htmlgen package as well as the
repo-janitor package.

Edit the wbel_repo.xml and change the "topdir" to the location on the
filesystem of where you want the repo to be created.

Make sure you have both apt and yum installed (I'm using Dag Wieers apt
for rhel3 from http://dag.wieers.com/packages/apt/)

Then run
repo-janitor wbel_repo.xml create mirror generate check

and you have a complete apt and yum mirror.

you can pre-populate the RPMS.os, and SRPMS.os directories with files
from the CD images so they aren't downloaded.

There is a sample line that uses rsync, but it requires patching the
repo-janitor rpmdir.py file. (look at the attached xml file for info in
a comment)
Edward Rudd <eddie@omegaware.com>
Website http://www.outoforder.cc/

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=wbel_repo.xml
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<repo-janitor id="Whitebox Linux" topdir="/var/ftp/apt" >

  <distribution id="wbel">

    <release id="3" arch="i386">
      <description>White Box Linux 3.0 release for i386 architecture.</description>

      <component id="os">
        <!-- rsync version, requires changing /usr/share/repo-janitor/rpmdir.py 
          line 184, change self.parent.path to self.path -->
        <!--mirror type="rpm">rsync://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/whitebox/3.0/en/os/i386/RedHat/RPMS/</mirror-->
        <mirror type="rpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/os/i386/RedHat/RPMS/</mirror>
        <mirror type="srpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/os/i386/SRPMS/</mirror>
        <description>Main White Box Linux packages</description>

      <component id="updates">
        <mirror type="rpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/i386/</mirror>
        <mirror type="rpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/i486/</mirror>
        <mirror type="rpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/i586/</mirror>
        <mirror type="rpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/i686/</mirror>
        <mirror type="rpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/noarch/</mirror>
        <mirror type="rpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/athlon/</mirror>
        <mirror type="srpm">ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/updates/SRPMS/</mirror>
        <description>Updated and fixed versions of White Box Linux packages</description>

      <component id="extras">
        <!-- currently there are no packages in this repository, and so I am unsure of the file 
        layout on the servers to do mirroring -->
        <description>Extra White Box Linux packages</description>
