[WBEL-users] VNC password

William Hooper whooperhsd2@earthlink.net
Wed, 7 Jul 2004 13:29:08 -0400 (EDT)

Denis Croombs said:
> Hi
> I have a VNC terminal that I am trying to use with Whitebox, but it is
> asking for a password (not a Linux user password but a VNC password before
>  the Linux user password) We have tried using vncpasswd to set this
> password but it will not accept this password, any idea how to turn off
> the requirement for this password as it was not required on a Redhat 9.0
> system which we have managed to get the VNC terminal working on !

How are you starting the VNC server?  Manually, xinetd, XFree module, etc.

William Hooper