[WBEL-users] re:iptables port 50 and 51

Johnny Hughes mailing-lists@hughesjr.com
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 06:29:39 -0500

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On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 06:07, Eric Hancock wrote:

> I did not know that pop mail required an open port on
> the client machine. I have these blocked on my current
> setup, so I don't think it will hurt to continue to
> block them.
> Eric

Pop3 doesn't require port 50 open...

> --- jafar <jafar00@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> > I've found http://isc.sans.org/ to be an excellent
> > page for looking up
> > what certain ports are and if there are any
> > potential exploits on them.
> > Use the little box on the left hand side, type the
> > port number and press
> > the details button. Once you find out which service
> > is attached to which
> > port, you can then Google for more detailed info as
> > you require it :)
> > 
> > Port 50 is Remote Mail Checking Protocol
> > Killing this may stop you checking if you have new
> > mail on your
> > provider's POP server.
> > 
> > Port 51 is IMP Logical Address Maintenance
> > I don't really know what that does sorry.
> > I hope someone else can enlighten us ;)
> > 
> > -- 
> > Jafar Calley
> > d+ s-:+ a C++++ L++ E--- W++ N++ w-- PE- t* 5++ R+
> > !tv D+ G e* h---- x?
> > ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> > Registered Linux User #359623
> > http://fatcatftp.homelinux.org
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Whitebox-users mailing list
> > Whitebox-users@beau.org
> > http://beau.org/mailman/listinfo/whitebox-users
> > 
> =====
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>                Eric Hancock
>            ========alt. emails========  
> hancock@freenet.tlh.fl.us   fefe@syrup-pirates.com
> kg4cjv@comcast.net          erichancock@yahoo.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> __________________________________________________
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Johnny Hughes

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On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 06:07, Eric Hancock wrote:
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>I did not know that pop mail required an open port on
the client machine. I have these blocked on my current
setup, so I don't think it will hurt to continue to
block them.


Pop3 doesn't require port 50 open...
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>--- jafar &lt;jafar00@wanadoo.fr&gt; wrote:

&gt; I've found </FONT><A HREF="http://isc.sans.org/"><U>http://isc.sans.org/</U></A><FONT COLOR="#737373"> to be an excellent
&gt; page for looking up
&gt; what certain ports are and if there are any
&gt; potential exploits on them.
&gt; Use the little box on the left hand side, type the
&gt; port number and press
&gt; the details button. Once you find out which service
&gt; is attached to which
&gt; port, you can then Google for more detailed info as
&gt; you require it :)
&gt; Port 50 is Remote Mail Checking Protocol
&gt; Killing this may stop you checking if you have new
&gt; mail on your
&gt; provider's POP server.
&gt; Port 51 is IMP Logical Address Maintenance
&gt; I don't really know what that does sorry.
&gt; I hope someone else can enlighten us ;)
&gt; -- 
&gt; Jafar Calley
&gt; -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
&gt; d+ s-:+ a C++++ L++ E--- W++ N++ w-- PE- t* 5++ R+
&gt; !tv D+ G e* h---- x?
&gt; ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
&gt; Registered Linux User #359623
&gt; </FONT><A HREF="http://fatcatftp.homelinux.org"><U>http://fatcatftp.homelinux.org</U></A>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">&gt; 
&gt; _______________________________________________
&gt; Whitebox-users mailing list
&gt; Whitebox-users@beau.org
&gt; </FONT><A HREF="http://beau.org/mailman/listinfo/whitebox-users"><U>http://beau.org/mailman/listinfo/whitebox-users</U></A>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">&gt; 

               Eric Hancock

           ========alt. emails========  
hancock@freenet.tlh.fl.us   fefe@syrup-pirates.com
kg4cjv@comcast.net          erichancock@yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around </FONT>
<A HREF="http://mail.yahoo.com"><U>http://mail.yahoo.com</U></A>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">_______________________________________________
Whitebox-users mailing list
<A HREF="http://beau.org/mailman/listinfo/whitebox-users"><U>http://beau.org/mailman/listinfo/whitebox-users</U></I></A></PRE>
Johnny Hughes<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.hughesjr.com"><U>HughesJR.com</U></A>
