[WBEL-users] Some BIND questions

Robert Moskowitz rgm@htt-consult.com
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 15:05:02 -0400

At 01:05 PM 10/11/2004, Kirby C. Bohling wrote:

>You might need to look at "/etc/sysconfig/named", as your chroot'ed
>environment should be setup there.
>The files you wanted to look at are here:

I don't even have a /var/named/chroot directory....

>/usr/sbin/rndc is there on my machine from the bind package.

I have to type in the full path of this.  Shouldn't this directory be in 
the path?

> > I am using the $GENERATE command.  Can't find it clearly defined in Liu's
> > book (he needs a better Index!)  How can I set my debug level to see if
> > this command is working correctly, and which syslog the debug stuff 
> will be
> > written to?
>No idea how $GENERATE works.

I had two problems.

First a typo in Liu's book.  He had:

$GENERATE n-m $ IN CNAME $.zone

It should be:

$GENERATE n-m $ CNAME $.zone

I finally noticed that in /logs/messages I was being told that 'IN' is not 
a valid RR, and I found the format of $GENERATE on isc.org.

The second problem was permissions.  GEDIT created the new zone file with 
user root, and group root.  I had to figure out how to use CHOWN (like 12 
years ago since I used real UNIX commands!) to change those to named.

Once these changes were done, reverse lookup is working no problem.  So I 
can work with my ISP to delegate me my CIDR block reversed zone.  I 
probably can get that set up now instead of waiting until the new server is 
ready.  Of course since part of the reason for this, is to move off  of 
BIND 4.9, I will not have the benefit of the $GENERATE command....