[WBEL-users] yum install freeswan problem..

Johnny Hughes mailing-lists@hughesjr.com
Sun, 12 Sep 2004 12:28:43 -0500

On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 11:50, Pablo Silva wrote:
> Hi Johnny:
>  I get it from DAG repository, but I don't understand
> why freeswan claim to me install the kernel
> kernel-2.4.21-15.EL Do you know where I can find it?
That kernel is now obsolete ... both the 15.0.3.EL and 15.0.4.EL fixed
security updates.  You can, however, get that kernel from here:


I will actually get the source from DAG's site and see if I can compile
it to work with the latest kernel.

Johnny Hughes