[WBEL-users] Still killing me softly with mon

Jesse j@lumiere.net
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 14:44:36 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Kirby C. Bohling wrote:

> I've never used mon before, but how about checking the obvious
> things:
<comprehensive list of basic network troubleshooting steps snipped>

> 	I've never run "mon", and never heard of it until this exchange
> of e-mails.  So take all this with a grain of salt.  However, it

> 	If you tell me where you got "mon" from, I'd happily look into
> seeing how it works enough to tell you if I can get the default out
> of the box configuration to work by pining a machine.

mon is a well known and widely used network monitoring program, similar to
nagios. (which is better is largely a matter of preference). It's been
around for many years and can be found at www.kernel.org/software/mon

mon runs quite well on whitebox -- we have our mon server on it. It's in
perl, so the mon server itself it's terribly system/distro specific. It
does however require a few perl libraries, including Mon::Client,
Time::Period, Time::HiRes and Convert::BER. Specific monitor tests may
require others.

If anyone needs anyone of those four perl modules listed above, I've built
WBEL RPM packages for them and would be happy to share. Or you can just go
to CPAN and build and install them.

Jesse <j@lumiere.net>