[WBEL-users] WBEL, Clustering, GFS, and redundancy

Benjamin Smith lists at benjamindsmith.com
Fri Apr 22 14:59:50 CDT 2005

Does anybody here have experience with clustering on WBEL/RHES/AS? 

I have a web-based application hosted on WBEL/PostgreSQL and am looking for 
the best way to provide even higher uptimes. (So far, 30 minutes of unplanned 
downtime in over a year) 

I'm having some difficulty fully understanding what GFS is actually all about. 
Is my understanding of GFS such that I could have two machines, each with 
their own HDD, and have it set up with GFS as a sort of cross-machine RAID1? 

If I could save data like this, and then replicate the PostgreSQL database 
with Slony, I *think* I'd have a good solution for redundant servers at the 
colo with minimal downtime in the event of a failure of either system... Am I 

Ideas/thoughts/pointers? Has anybody here set up stuff like that? 

Currently, we have two servers, a "live" server, and a hot backup which 
synchronizes its filesystems periodically to the live server with rsync. This 
gives a good "worst case scenario" recovery plan, but doesn't give much 
support for lighter-grade failures. 


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