[WBEL-users] mars-nwe

John Morris jmorris at beau.org
Thu Apr 28 21:27:05 CDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 09:09, Daniel T. Gynn wrote:
> What ever happened to the mars-nwe package?  Is there a substitute that
> provided Netware support for EL4?

Probably not.  RH killed support for a LOT of things in the interest of
getting RHEL4 out the door on time.  Ya know, useless fluff like USB
hard drives.  And with firewire ALSO dead I really don't know what they
expect folks to do for external storage.  And the RH mailing lists were
flaming away for weeks over dropping support for some fairly important
failover support on SANS, iSCSI, etc.  They promise some of this stuff
will return in a 'future update release' so be patient.

And it isn't like there is a hurry to upgrade..... unless you are
someone like me who would really like to start eating more of the
dogfood but WBEL3 is pretty much crap on an x86_64 desktop and WBEL4
doesn't look like it is going to have much better hardware support until
a few updates from upstream get respun.  And then they went and killed
ALL 3D support for ALL Radeons on all platforms!  You bastards!

Ok, rant over.

John M.      http://www.beau.org/~jmorris     This post is 100% M$Free!
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