[WBEL-users] LPT Desktop 2.4 released

Joel Barrios Dueñas jbarrios at linuxparatodos.net
Fri Feb 11 23:34:39 CST 2005


A few minutes ago I released LPT Desktop 2.4 to the world. What is it? A
big repository of software containing more than a thousand packages. LPT
Desktop is meant to be used on Red Hat or White Box Enterprise Linux 3.0
as a desktop on workstations. It includes the following:

	- GNOME 2.8
	- GTK 2.4 and Gtkmm 2.4
	- Evolution 2.0.3
	- Gaim 1.1.2
	- Gimp 2.2.3
	- Abiword 2.2.3
	- Gnumeric 1.4.2
	- OpenOffice 1.1.2
	- Mono 1.0.5 and gtk# 1.0.4
	- Firefox 1.0 (with GNOME file selector integration)
	- xine-lib 1.0.0
	- mplayer 1.0-0.16.pre6a
	- Aspell 0.55.5

And many, many, many more.

Known issues at:
(in Spanish for the moment, have not enough time to properly translate them)

* All software is offered as is without any warranties or     *
* responsibilities. if something breaks, you keep the pieces! *

Availability through the following yum repositories (ADD them to your
/etc/yum.conf file):

name=Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - LPT Desktop 2.4 - GNOME 2.8

name=Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - LPT Desktop 2.4 - Extras

Note: More mirrors needed!

The yum repositories are divided in two parts: the one with GNOME 2.8
related stuff and the one that does not depends on GNOME-2.8/GTK2 (stuff
like mono, mod_mono, xine, mplayer, etc.).

*You*will*need*both*repositories* in order to install GNOME 2.8.

To install the GNOME 2.8 just do:

	1) Add yum repositories below to your yum.conf
	2) Back-up your ~/.gconf directory.
	3) *Close* any GNOME session.
	   Do not install anything if GNOME 2.2 or GDM are running.
	   Do it from text console (init 3)
	4) yum install gnome-all

Personally I recommend to start from a fresh user account to avoid
annoyances from upgrading from an older GNOME version (misplaced and
missing panel applets).

The above procedure will install GNOME 2.8 complete with main applications
(Gnumeric, Abiword, Inkscape, Totem, etc.) and other software like Firefox
1.0, gcursor (plus cursor-themes), gossip, gaim-guifications, etc.

All packages are GPG signed. Signature at

wget http://darkshram.dyndns.org/lpt/LPT-RPM-KEY
rpm --import LPT-RPM-KEY

Please submit patches & bug reports (in english or spanish) at

Un cordial saludo.

Joel Barrios Dueñas

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