[WBEL-users] relocation error: /lib/i686/librt.so.1

israel.garcia at cimex.com.cu israel.garcia at cimex.com.cu
Tue Feb 22 11:32:32 CST 2005

SOS: Please help me!, I have 4 WB 3.0 respin1 servers running some services like
mailscanner, postfix, squid, iptables, etc. Yesterday I run in every server this
command at the same time: {I have a mirror of WB sites in my intranet}

#yum -y update

It began to download a lot of updates and installing one by one in all
servers.... so I went home, this morning I saw this errors in this servers.

 [root at ns.server.cu:~]# tail -f /var/log/messages
tail: relocation error: /lib/i686/librt.so.1: symbol __pthread_clock_settime, ve
rsion GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libpthread.so.0 with link time reference

So, Mailscanner, squid is down with the same error, I can not run yum, rpm.....
I dont know what to do? What I did wrong.... What failed? Yum? Updates?

Please I was so happy with WB and I dont know what to do now!. I've always used
YUm to keep my servers up2date and I never got this error.
Can I solved this without installing again every server?



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