[WBEL-users] Kernel Source and patching

Larry Apolonio whitebox-users at rh73.com
Sun Jul 24 15:34:01 CDT 2005

I'm trying to set up a Linux Firewall w/ the capability to PPTP/VPN into 
it from a remote location.  I'm using WBEL4 and poptop w/ some kernel 
patches to do this.

I've done this successfully in the past but with a different kernel and 
it seems that things have changed a bit.  There no longer is a 
kernel-source rpm and /lib/modules/2.x.x.x/build does not exist.  
Apparently, the new procedures call for installing 
dkms-2.0.5-1.noarch.rpm and kernel_ppp_mppe-0.0.5-2dkms.noarch.rpm which 
will build in modules needed to run pptp with encryption that Windows XP 
can deal with.

I did try to google kernel-source and rbel4 and came accross a rpm 
rebuild command.

I did try rpmbuild --rebuild --target i686 kernel-2.6.9-5.EL.src.rpm and 
it rebuild the kernel but it did not create a /usr/src/linux-2.6.9-5 folder

There was another command rpmbuild -bp --target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec, 
but it created a linux-2.6.9 folder in /usr/src/whitebox/ but no "build" 
link in /lib/modules/2.x.x.x and the folder does not match uname.  Also 
the makefile has this at the top

Which does not match the kernel

These question was probably asked in the past but I can't seem to find 
it in my archives,
When I ran the command rpmbuild -bp --target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec does 
it create a source tree with all of the patches merged in?
Anyone get dkms-2.0.5-1.noarch.rpm and 
kernel_ppp_mppe-0.0.5-2dkms.noarch.rpm to actually build the needed 
kernel modules?
If anyone has Whitebox 4 specific instructions on how they got either 
PPTP or an IPSEC implementation to work with windows I would be very 

I need to contribute something to whitebox community so I'll produce 
some documents on labwork I've done recently on WBEL4 and IPSEC.


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