[WBEL-users] Rebuilding EL4 problem

Simone simone72 at email.it
Tue Mar 1 04:27:43 CST 2005

Hi all, I finally had time to try to figure out what means rebuilding 
from sources, and yet again, thanks John :-)
I have completed the rebuilding of all the packages on a RedHatEL4beta2 
PC (Duron 1200Mhz.... a nightmare it took 4 days) and I'm now trying to 
make cd's out of it. I have to say I rebuilt all as root, and yes, I 
know I shouldn't but when i figured that out  it was too late (except 
for the comps and kernel packages rebuilt as buildsys user, and gmp that 
I had to rebuild on a different machine since duron doesn't support 
sse2). I am following the Howto on whiteboxlinux.org, and I also red the 
docs related as suggested on the site (howto burn redhat cd, edit 
comps.xml etc). Things went quite smooth, I got some warnings while 
running pkgorder but I red somewhere that capital WARNINGS are bad, 
lower case warnings are "ok" (I get LOOP with cracklib and kernel/LVM 
packages). I didn't edit comps.xml. So I have a pkgorder-i386.txt in my 
basedir, and hdlist-hdlist2 in basedir/i386/RedHat/base. Then I run 
splitcdset, and I get this error (root or buildsys user makes no diff). 
It looks like splittree.py cannot read the headers generated by genhdlist:

[buildsys at rhel4beta2 4.0]$ ./splitcdset
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/splittree.py", line 455, in ?
    logfile = timber.main()
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/splittree.py", line 380, in main
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/splittree.py", line 253, in splitRPMS
    pkg_nvr = nvra("%s/%s/RPMS/%s" %(self.dist_dir, self.product_path, 
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/splittree.py", line 39, in nvra
    h = _ts.hdrFromFdno(fd)
rpm.error: error reading package header

Now, I tryied several times to go back, and do all from the beginning 
(except rebuilding.....of course), with no luck.  I am surely doing 
something wrong, but I would really love to fix this and finally burn a 
cd set, for the fun of it, but mainly for the will to learn how to do it.
By the way, for my servers I will still wait for WBEL4 since I trust Mr. 
Morris much more than myself  :-)

Thanks everyone for your time, have a nice day


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