[WBEL-users] updates

bishop bishop at platypus.bc.ca
Wed May 18 12:47:17 CDT 2005

William Hooper wrote:
> Jose Moreira wrote:
>>Hello, i installed WHL4 today, but i cant find updates i any of there
>>repos, the 'updates' directory's are all empty.
> http://beau.org/pipermail/whitebox-users/2005-May/006276.html
>>I'm currently using :
>>[root at whitewiz ~]# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
>>rpm http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/jpackage/ 1.6/generic free
>>rpm-src http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/jpackage/ 1.6/generic free non-free
>>rpm http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/jpackage/ 1.6/redhat-el-4.0 free non-free
> None of these are WBEL repos anyway.

Hey Folks,

Please slap me if I just didn't see it, but is there an APTified WBEL4 
repository of packages anywhere?  I need to apt-get build-dep (and 
build) some stuff, and the added minor pain of doing it by hand is just 
pushing the deferring the build task instead.  And I can't get YUM to 
play nice on this fresh install.

I'm hoping for someone (Erik?  Please?) may have mirrored and aptified 
something official from the mother-ship.

Sorry for taking your time, and thanks for any assistance you can provide.

  - bish

	Because some things are all-the-time jobs!

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