FW: [WBEL-users] New install - Firefox complains "This document contains no data."

Eric Trepanier eric.trepanier at radialpoint.com
Fri Oct 14 13:10:13 CDT 2005

> <speculation>
> It's probably just reporting errors in the HTML code on the particular
> page you're downloading / viewing at the time.
> Probably just that there are links on the page that don't really point
> to a real file or document.
> Not to worry, it's normal
> </speculation>

Unfortunately, it's not so simple. This happens on practically every page I
go to and the pages don't download completely (not getting images, css

For example, I get this when I click the Mozilla status spinner icon above
the address bar and the www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/central.html does
not download completely. The Mozilla dinosaur image is only partially
displayed (only the top-half). And the returned page is almost completely
blank (part of the page's headers displays, like it was only getting the
beginning of it).

This ONLY happens on the two White Box Linux installs. I have no such
problems on any of my other machines.

Again, this happens on practically every Internet sites, but not on any
intranet sites.

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