[Lswtalk] LSW databases?

Erin Chesnutt echesnut at beau.org
Wed Dec 15 16:58:43 CST 2010

LSW family,

As I recall, we have discussed the possibility of purchasing several
database subscriptions as a consortium in the past, but the discussion
either fizzled out over time or we decided we didn't want to go that route
and my brain blocked that part of it.

Anyway ... BPL is interested in pricing the following databases (not an
exhaustive list), and we wondered if anyone in the group is interested in
a joint purchase in 2011:
-Mango languages
-World Book Online (not sure which version / package yet)

I know some of you already subscribe to these.  If that is the case, a)
are you happy with the database and b)are you interested in accessing them
as a consortium once your subscription is up (and when is that)?

Does anyone else have other databases to add to the list?

Karen, can we add this topic to the agenda for the next LSW meeting?

Thank you,

Erin N Chesnutt
Director Designate
Beauregard Parish Library

2010-2011 Parliamentarian,
By-law Committee Chair
Public Section, LLA

echesnut at beau.org

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