[Lswtalk] Sept. 16 LSW staff training Qs

Loretta Gharst LGharst at calcasieu.lib.la.us
Tue Jul 21 07:39:19 CDT 2015


Regarding Overdrive training please let us know details. 

1. Who is target audience? 
     If for staff who have logins to marketplace, would they like training on reports or ?
     If for staff who do not have logins, could they use review of how to use LSW Overdrive      website - (there have been lots of changes over the last 2 years)?

There was some discussion at the meeting about Overdrive promotion to the public. If your library has a brochure or some ideas to share, please send to this group. 

2. How many staff will be there? 


Loretta Gharst

Sent from my iPad

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