[Lswtalk] Digital Signs

Dr. Linda Lebert-Corbello llebert at pelican.state.lib.la.us
Thu Aug 9 15:06:55 CDT 2018

Since we are meeting at my house next month for the retreat...


I need to ask if Paula Arrington from the digital sign company can speak to
us regarding the signs.  Her office is not far from my house.


Why does she need to speak?  There are a variety of locations for digitals
but not in all areas we listed.


There is pricing of different types.  She mentioned things I did not know
how to answer.


I think everyone could hear what she has to offer and ask her questions that
allow for better planning as a group.


Let me know if you are ok with that.    No other agenda........just that,
food & fellowship.



Linda LeBert-Corbello, PhD


Jefferson Davis Parish Libraries

118 West Plaquemine Street

Jennings, Louisiana 70546

Phone 337-824-1210

FAX 337-824-5444

Cell 337-540-6729

 <mailto:llebert at state.lib.la.us> llebert at state.lib.la.us


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