[Lswtalk] Patrons =out of parish

Dr. Linda Lebert-Corbello llebert at pelican.state.lib.la.us
Tue Feb 13 08:11:42 CST 2018

Would you each bring me a copy of how you handle someone who comes from a
neighboring parish...not part of LibSW.........and wants to check out books?


Some of my librarian friends say they issue a card;  others not.


We had a problem recently and I need an overall view from my director


Perhaps, we could discuss this at the meeting on the 21st!


Always learning......or trying to meet the needs of the public.


I am also checking with Meg.


Thanks for your assistance.


Linda LeBert-Corbello, PhD


Jefferson Davis Parish Libraries

118 West Plaquemine Street

Jennings, Louisiana 70546

Phone 337-824-1210

FAX 337-824-5444

Cell 337-540-6729

 <mailto:llebert at state.lib.la.us> llebert at state.lib.la.us


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