[WBEL-devel] An "Issue" with WBEL (pun intended)

John Hinton webmaster@ew3d.com
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 08:35:37 -0500

I think WhiteBox is done just like it should be. We cannot advertise 
that we are running RHEL and likely can't legally leave the RedHat name 
in that version file. I think the cure is this. Promote Whitebox! Help 
anyone needing to know about WBEL by sending the text from the 
/etc/issue file. Yes, we may at first be a moment or two behind RHEL 
with regards to programs which recognize us (until we have a larger 
community than RHEL at which point they will be waiting :) ). I can 
envision open source developers running WBEL as a testing platform, as 
the RHEL deal for developers will likely have too many hoops to jump 
through and then early indication seems to state the up2date won't be 
available to developers.. or RHN or something. Anyway, just too 
complicated.... will you be able to test using the latest updates? wiil 
you be able to run the AS version? and on and on.....

Anyway, really this should not even be an issue for most applications 
out there. Webmin needs it to understand where all of the config files 
which it uses are by default. Most programs only need to know about a 
few other placements and simply find them during the install. Webmin 
needs to know for instance that named.com lives in /etc instead of 
/etc/bind for instance.. a pretty simple deal.. but a lot more is more 
complex to find. It is called apache on the system or httpd? Is it 
started as bind or named? Lots of config stuff and I'm sure the Webmin 
folks decided it was much easier to just write the basics for the 
different OSs.

The bottom line... I don't think really that this pertains to that many 
apps, and futhermore, most are GPL and the group will likely embrace 
WBEL and do all they can to quickly support this alternative distro.... 
My (Red)Hat's off to Webmin!!! Fantastic response and a really powerful 
and useful tool.

John Hinton