[WBEL-devel] Long- Thoughts on WB maintenance (was Re: How to get the RHEL Errata?)

Sebastian Welsh swelsh@alpha.net.au
27 Nov 2003 13:45:53 +1100

> I like the idea of a patch w/ SRPM but that doesn't solve the problem of
> embedded images containing their trademarks. So long as WBEL is only
> distributing a patch/shell script it would save an immense amount of
> bandwidth and would leave the end user with the fair "at-your-own-risk"
> caveat. 

You have a point regarding overwriting images, and I don't think the
approach I have suggested addresses this. Thanks. 

I'd just like to clarify the patching process described. I view it as an
internal maintenance process, rather than a gentoo style source release.
The output would be source and binary RPMs with the WB patches applied. 

However, distributing SRPMS would (as you point out) require additional
modifications to the package where an included patch is insufficient. A
first cut of how we could maintain packages across releases might be:

1. Obtain RH SRPM
2. Remove inappropriate dependencies (e.g. up2date)
3. Insert WB patch with adjustments if required (e.g. references to
RedHat). This should remain relatively consistent over errata releases.
4. Drop a tarball of unencumbered images over the source with
adjustments if required. This should remain relatively consistent over
errata releases.
5. Build as SRPM and RPM
6. Validate, iterate then release WB RPM and SRPM.
