[WBEL-devel] Re: How to get the RHEL Errata?

Michael Torrie torriem@chem.byu.edu
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 23:37:52 -0700

On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 23:22, Rob Sanders wrote:
> Thats a very good point.   Everyone's taking the position redhat is going to release all the source and we can just doctor that.  But a portion of this project very well may include building redhat compliant packages and patching and not rebuilding redhat origional packages.

I've met Mr. Szulik personally, and heard him speak about this.  He
assures us that RedHat is ideologically committed to the GPL.  If they
can't make money by using GPL software and releasing their own software
under the GPL, then they will fold.  Szulik's a guy who gets it, and
understands what the community is about.  They are as much dependent on
the community as the community is on them (in the case of WBEL).  I
think you can count on vital RH software (even RHEL software) remaining
GPL.  RedHat may include other people's software that's not GPL in their
distro, but their own in-house stuff will be GPL.

> Scarry the thought, be we might acually have to build some stuff on our own.

This is a cool idea and all, but in that case, why not just go with
debian or something.  Mandrake did start doing their own stuff, and I
think that between SuSE and RedHat, Mandrake's days are numbered.


> Rob
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Michael Torrie <torriem@chem.byu.edu>