[WBEL-devel] slashdot posting (was: Long- Thoughts on WB)

RftD ramblings@sadlittleboy.com
Thu, 27 Nov 2003 04:18:17 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Jamey Fletcher wrote:

> We're evaluating whether to go for the front-page mention on Slashdot, 
> or perhaps just repeated mentions (always on topic!) in the comments, 
> which should spread the load out.
> Today's mention on Slashdot in the comments doesn't seem to have killed 
> us - after all, I've been sitting on it for nearly 9 hours now, 
> chatting, surfing, and in general watching the fun.

Well, although I am glad it wasn't enough to cause a lot of trouble, being 
linked inside a slashdot story doesn't actually seem to produce all that 
much traffic.  I've had a customer who was linked in the first +5 comment 
to a story, and although the traffic was noticable, it wasn't anything to 
what I suspect a link in the story itself would be like.  I'd definitely 
suggest we not try to get mentioned on the front page until we have some 
more significant infrastructure in place, at least for the sake of the 
library patrons. :)

That being said, does anyone have mrtg graphs or similar that show what 
effect the post had on traffic levels?