[WBEL-devel] In the words of Mark Twain ...

Milan Kerslager milan.kerslager@pslib.cz
Thu, 5 Feb 2004 11:11:54 +0100

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 03:36:53PM -0600, Vicki Reeves wrote:
> ... the rumors of WBEL's death have been greatly exaggerated.  John,
> like most of the true geeks I've known does not say a lot when he does
> not have something to say.  Given the level of meaningless chatter
> emitted by those who seldom know what they are talking about, the
> silences of geekdomites can be surprising - even make us feel insecureor
> ignored.  I've learned it is actually a sign that everything is pretty
> much ok.  

There is no updates - this is a fact.

There is no word about why. Morris is simply unable to release packages
in acceptable time (at least for some people). And he and you want to
help with nothing.

So - do not post "we are geeks and we decide IF and WHEN if EVER do this
and this".

Simply accept fact, that there are no updates now and in the future this
will be the same if you do not change something.

I do not underestand why do not publically tell us what situation is and
what every user of WBEL should accept.

I did own distribution for years (1993-2000) and I know what may happen
and I know that one man is unable to respond at time everey day. So do
not hide this fact behind "geeks words".

                        Milan Kerslager
                        E-mail: milan.kerslager@pslib.cz
                        WWW:    http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/