[WBEL-devel] In the words of Mark Twain ...

Joel Macklow joelm@webservices.net.nz
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 11:27:05 +1300

I have never come across someone who so openly moans and bitches about the
progress of a new open source project, Milan.

When the project was undergoing the v3 release trials, you were keen to
through stabs at John for not responding to your emails/offers/et al.

During this time John and co. were busy getting the release out and fixing
the bugs that cropped up.  For a new project this takes TIME to get sorted.
While John hasn't said anything, I am guessing that he has systems now in
place that enable the full build to happen much faster and easier than at
first.  As a community, we will benefit from this work in the future.  We
should all be expressing our thanks to John, Vicki and co. for the work they
have put in so far.

I agree with Vicki's comments re the project being dead.  There not being a
lot of mail is actually a sign that the project is hitting its target of
being an almost identical version to the RH release.

With regard to the updates.  As you are now no doubt aware, the updates are
in the process of being built and distributed to the mirrors.  If I remember
correctly, earlier on in the piece, John said his goal was 72 hrs after

As with the distro, this large batch of updates is no doubt being built,
tested and a process developed so that future updates (for the next 5 years)
can be released closer to the initial expected timeframe.  This takes TIME
it get worked out.

You have expressed concern about John not having explained himself as to the
delay.  Maybe this is because he is actually busy doing it and can't take 20
mins to think and type a reply! Why don't we just leave him to do it?  If
you need updates 60 seconds after they are announced, the srpms are
available for download from RedHat. Build them yourself.  You obviously have
the experience.  Another option of course would be to shell out the cash and
buy RHEL if you need all the updates ASAP.

My observations so far re: John is that when he is busy with: life, library,
building distro/updates, we don't hear from him.  Where is the problem?
>From what I can tell, there are at least three people at the library who are
very involved in the project, so if John did get run over by a bus, the
project would still continue.

I hope John has time in his busy schedule to read this diatribe.  I want him
to know that there are people who are thankful, grateful and appreciative
for what he and his co-workers have accomplished so far.  Keep up the good
work people!

May be we can all learn a little more patience and human compassion for what
other people do for free.
