[WBEL-users] liberation-i386-binary-3-fixed.iso Status

Johnny Hughes mailing-lists@hughesjr.com
Sat, 20 Dec 2003 09:29:30 -0600

On Fri, 2003-12-19 at 19:56, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> ALL,
> I was able to use this torrent file:
> http://www.linuxlobbyist.net/torrents/final-bins-fixed.torrent
> (by Paul Iadonisi) to get all the iso's {all three md5sums match
> correctly.}) ... it only takes a couple seconds if your stuck at 99% and
> point Paul Iadonisi's torrent to the same place you did before....
> I did have a problem with the www.linuxlobbyist.net torrent link ... it
> seems It showed the torrent file in my browser instead of asking me if I
> wanted to open it with bittorent...If anyone else has that problem, do
> it like this instead (this command is all one line):
> btdownloadgui 
> http://www.linuxlobbyist.net/torrents/final-bins-fixed.torrent
All the things that I posted are still true this morning ... if you are
stuck at 99% (on bittorrent) and no longer downloading (and want to
finish with a good CD3 iso) then issue type this in a command window:


(followed by a space)


(followed by enter)

When the file selection comes up, point it to the directory that is just
above final-bins-fixed (that is, to the same place you pointed your
original download)

After verification of the files, it will take only a few seconds to
complete with a good CD3

I have checked the CD3 again on the NCSU site (just now) (at
ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/mirror/beau.org/whitebox/3.0/en/iso/i386/liberation-i386-binary-3-fixed.iso ).  It still has a md5sum of e25f4925ca1087ebb4a21e2d441b3e74 ... I was hoping after a nightly rsync it would have gotten fixed.  Don't download this file from this site right now ... it's md5sum data of this file is  not correct.

I have also checked the CD3 ISO file on the site (at
ftp://ftp.jach.hawaii.edu/pub/linux/whitebox/3.0/en/iso/i386/liberation-i386-binary-3-fixed.iso ).  It still has the correct md5sum of 184af501ce2a2e507371558b77d075a6 ... you can download CD3 from there via FTP and get a good ISO file that has the correct md5sum.

I don't know about the other 2 mirrors ... maybe someone else has
information on the CD3 iso's md5sum for those right now.

I am going to also post this on the WBEL-User list as well, so hopefully
everyone can finish their downloads with bittorrent and get a valid CD3.

-Johnny Hughes