[WBEL-users] Resetting hostname from command prompt

William Hooper whooperhsd2@earthlink.net
Fri, 2 Apr 2004 16:13:18 -0500 (EST)

Jeff Maze said:
> Hello,
> 	I'm trying to reset the hostname for a WBEL maching.. I've edited the
> /etc/
> hosts file and /proc/sys/kernel/hostname file as well..  But after every
> reboot, it goes back to the old hostname..
> 	What am I missing..?  Thanks.. -Jeff


You can use "redhat-config-network" to take care of it too.  It appears to
have "this is unsupported" warnings on the text version, though, so a SSH
X-tunnel might be the way to go.

William Hooper