[WBEL-users] Errors mounting raid device

Michael Squires MSQUIRES@iga.state.in.us
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 13:29:05 -0500

>As for backup I use rsync to disks on a separate machine.  I will never
>back to tape.

This doesn't protect you against file corruption that is not spotted
before the backup disk(s) are updated (unless there are multiple copies
of the filesystem on disk), which can be a consequence of a cracker
attack or virus infestation. It also doesn't allow for off-site storage
or archiving of data to meet legal reporting requirements.

I'll agree that tapes are expensive and tape drives even more expensive
(and often agonizing slow), but there are applications where they're

My personal solution has been to standardize on the ADIC VLS DLT
changer, which I've purchased (in the DLT4000 20/40GB version) off of
eBay for about $200.  The tapes come used for about $7 each; it takes
most of the weekend to do a level 0 dump of my system.  It's made easier
since I've never used anything but SCSI disks after some bad experiences
with consumer grade disks (ESDI - am I dating myself?) so I already have
SCSI on the computer(s) (although I always use a separate controller for
tape and CD, superstitious behavior left over from NetWare 2.x/3.x

Mike Squires