[WBEL-users] What do you think?

John Morris jmorris@beau.org
Wed, 7 Apr 2004 17:55:03 -0500 (CDT)

On 7 Apr 2004, Kerry Cox wrote:

> Kirby brings up a good point. If people are serious about maintaining
> Whitebox on their own networks, there ought to be some instructions
> regarding the creation and maintenance of a local yum repository. I have
> been meaning to do this for quite some time. But, I do not want to
> reinvent the wheel. 

Should be pretty simple.  Right after doing the rsync change to the 
following directories and do "yum-arch -s ."


something as simple as:

rsync <lots 'o options, paths and stuff>
BASEDIR=<whereever the top of the local WBEL tree lives>
REPOS="3.0/en/os/i386 3.0/en/updates"
for dir in $REPOS
	cd $BASEDIR/$dir
	yum-arch -s .

Then remember to update the list as new archs and versions appear.  If you 
really want to be paranoid about glitches coming down through the mirror 
network and hosing up the headers dir you could blow the old headers away 
every time at the cost of a few extra machine cycles late at nite.  just 
add "rm -rf $dir/headers" between the cd and the yum-arch lines.

John M.      http://www.beau.org/~jmorris        This post is 100% M$ Free!
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