[WBEL-users] SSH Connection

Bill Davidsen davidsen@tmr.com
Fri, 09 Apr 2004 09:22:15 -0400

Jeff Maze wrote:
> Hello,
> 	I was writing everyone that responded to me on the list.  I thank you for 
> your suggestions/comments.  Makes for a great list when you get quick 
> respsonses, great suggestions, etc.  Thanks again.
> 	But while I was writing the aforementioned e-mail,  I received the one below 
> from Kerry, and it fixed the problem once I removed the prior entry in the 
> known_hosts file.  Something I didn't know and will not forget now.
> 	Thanks again.. -Jeff
> On Tuesday 30 March 2004 10:29 am, Kerry Cox wrote:
> It sounds like you had already used SSH once before to connect to that
> server, in which case the signatures do not match. Check your
> .ssh/known_hosts file and delete any references to that server.

If your ssh doesn't complain long and loud about a change in key you 
have your config wrong somewhere. I get about half a screen when the sig 
changes. I also config to fail the connect if it doesn't, because I use 
ssh for automated operations, login without password and execute exactly 
one command specified in authorized_keys.

Check your ssh config.

    -bill davidsen (davidsen@tmr.com)
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
  last possible moment - but no longer"  -me