[WBEL-users] perl-Digest-MD5

Carsten Emde ce@ceag.ch
Tue, 13 Apr 2004 16:12:42 +0200

rninov@mailbg.com wrote:
> Better use this procedure:
> exec:
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
Hmm, I'm not so sure whether this procedure really is better, since it
normally breaks the RPM database and does not resolve RPM dependencies.
I would recommend to

1. Check whether the required module is already installed (see William's
email above: rpm -ql perl | grep -i digest.

2. If not, check whether the required module is available in the current
distribution but was not installed, either by searching the Rpmfind.Net
Server http://www.rpmfind.net or cd-ing to RedHat/RPMS on the
distribution CD and executing
# for i in *.rpm; do if test "`rpmverify -p $i 2>/dev/null | grep
Digest/MD5`"; then echo Found in $i; fi; done
ON WBEL CD #1, this will display "Found in perl-5.8.0-88.4.i386.rpm".

3. If not, check whether the required module is available through the
CPAN-to-RPM interface http://www.quantumlinux.com/~kevin/rpmpan/, e.g.
Letter D http://www.quantumlinux.com/~kevin/rpmpan/D.html and Digest

4. If not, and only then, use
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
as proposed above but, as already said, the installed modules will not
be registered in the RPM database.

Carsten Emde.