[WBEL-users] perl-Digest-MD5

Milan Ker¹lįger milan.kerslager@pslib.cz
Thu, 15 Apr 2004 11:09:30 +0200

On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 03:23:35PM +0300, rninov@mailbg.com wrote:
> Better use this procedure:
> exec:
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> and after few steps of configuration (only first time)
> exec:
> install "Digest:MD5"
> quit

This is wrong. At first - you are loosing control over your system.
There is no possibility to maintain, upgrade and check in the future and
you are going to dependency hell (ie using --nodeps forever).

The second reason is that perl actually contain Digest::MD5 module, try:

perl -e 'use Digest::MD5'

Actually - major part of the CPAN packages are uniform now so there is
possibility to use any SPEC file from other perl CPAN packages and
easily modify them.

And yes - there are repositories with supplemental packages over the
world and there is a high chance to find RPM package for RHEL3
compatible system, Dag has a big repository and I have one too:


                        Milan Kerslager
                        E-mail: milan.kerslager@pslib.cz
                        WWW:    http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/